Friday, January 09, 2009

No thanks, I just had a fresh apple

The love of the world cannot be expunged by a mere demonstration of the world's worthlessness. But may it not be supplanted by the love of that which is more worthy than itself? The heart cannot be prevailed upon to part with the world, by a simple act of resignation. But may not the heart be prevailed upon to admit into its preference another, who shall subordinate the world, and bring it down from its wonted ascendancy?*

We were meant to have an appetite. It's good. The problem comes when we have given control over our appetite to foolishness. Ever want something salty? Something sweet? Ever try to randomly hit the spot by eating as much and as diverse an assortment as you could find? Ever think you just poisoned yourself with snacks? Ever break the vow to never do that again?

'The world' is where we live. Yet, oddly, the Bible says not to love it. Why? It's tasty! …like junk food. We can develop a taste for what doesn't satisfy and refuse to acknowledge that no matter how much more of _______ we consume, we will never feel right. It isn't what our body really craves.

I am physical, but I am also spiritual. What does my spirit crave? Getting this right or wrong can make all the difference in life.

Psalms 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!


By Thomas Chalmers

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