Monday, January 31, 2011

another review of Daniel 1-7

Our goal is to learn from the book of Daniel directly.  Cross referencing later…
The outline I’m suggesting:

Chapter 1, (in Hebrew), tells how the people of God ended up in Babylon.  It also gives an intro into the main idea, standing with God, even when in the ‘world/babylon’, by trusting on God’s intervention, primarily in the form of revelation, but also in intervention.

The ARAMAIC “world language” section of 2/3/4 5\6\7

Chapter 2 has a worldly king dream about kingdoms, and then God’s man interprets the dream and says God is sovereign over nations and will rule.

  Chapter 3 has a showdown between the world and God’s faithful.  God saves and the world is told that God saves.

      Chapter 4 has a worldly king proud and then humbled, while God and his faithful are vindicated

      Chapter 5 has a worldly king proud and then humbled, while God and his faithful are vindicated

   Chapter 6 has a showdown between the world and God’s faithful.  God saves and the world is told that God saves

Chapter 7 has God’s man dream about Kingdoms, and then God’s messenger interprets the dream and says God is sovereign over nations and will rule

2&7 = It looks like the worldly ways rule, but they ultimately don’t
3&6 = being faithful to God clashes with the world, but being faithful creates a testimony to others
4&5 = arrogant worldliness will be humbled and God’s faithful will be vindicated

Application so far?
As you get more and more information about how complex and harsh the world can be, don’t be surprised to see lots of evidence for reality to be about power and worldliness.  Instead of giving into that, resolve to be faithful to God, even in small matters, and ready to suffer for going against the world and for God.  God can and will be glorified through taking a stand, and ultimately there will be judgment for worldly wrong and vindication for being faithful.

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